Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Student Teacher of the Year Essay Samples - Important Tips to Follow When Looking For the Most Interesting Essay Example

Student Teacher of the Year Essay Samples - Important Tips to Follow When Looking For the Most Interesting Essay ExampleStudent teacher of the year essay samples are both easy to do and fun to do. However, there are other essay samples to consider. Student teacher of the year will have no problem reading as many other examples as possible.No matter what kind of essay samples you want to use, you can find them. I'm going to recommend a few tips that you should look into when looking for the most interesting ideas to include in your essay. One tip is to present an idea, and then explain it from the learner's point of view. Do this to answer some common questions. If you ask 'What is the quickest way to get rid of congestion in my back?' what do you think the learner will answer.I am not a student teacher, so I have no firsthand knowledge about what to look for in your essay samples. I have a few thoughts, however. I am not a big fan of images or sketches. While you might get an idea of what the concept is about if you see something in a sketch or picture, do not rely on it. I'd rather focus on the images or pictures I use to draw out the details of the concept.I can't tell you how many ideas I've read that I've found to be a waste of time. These ideas are not completely useless, but it does show you that you don't have a firm grasp on the subject. Itis important to have an idea about what you are talking about so you can come up with a good example that you will be able to talk about. This is another tip.The teacher's guide for these types of writing samples has some great ideas that will help you get started. This is a great idea, because you don't know what you're going to find. It is also a great idea to have a teacher that can guide you through the process. This way you will have someone to hand your idea off to so you can learn from the experiences of others.

Monday, May 18, 2020

US Military Essay - 1053 Words

Many people are concerned about the U.S. military because of how many risks come with joining it. However, the U.S. military also explains the benefits that one could receive. Joining the military is a decision that should not be taken lightly. One must understand all aspects of the military. In order for a voter to be fully informed about joining the US military, one must consider both the risks, like mental illnesses and commitment and benefits, like education, and experience. 1. Risks of Joining the Military: Mental Illnesses Suffering from a mental illness is a common effect of joining the military that many people aren’t fully aware of. Specific mental illnesses one can suffer from are Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and†¦show more content†¦PTSD, depression, and the lack of treatment should all be taken into consideration when thinking about the military. Depression in soldiers can be caused by the length of deployment because they don’t see their families or friends for months. Commitment Being in the military takes dedication as well as devotion because it is a big commitment that one must follow through with. Rod Powers, a writer, states, â€Å"Before you join, recognize the fact that a stint in the military is not civilian employment. Its not just like having a regular job. You cant just get up and quit anytime you want to (Powers). One must be patient because this is a responsibility Powers also states, â€Å"Along with not being able to quit, there is also the factor of being deployed for months. Soldiers may find themselves spending up to seven months out of every year deployed† (Powers). A soldier must be able to handle being separated from family and friends for a good amount of time. This separation can cause stress and anxiety between soldiers and their families. Bruce Bell, a psychiatrist, and Walter Schumm, an author, clarify that, Returning from deployment can sometimes be stressful and disappointing (Bell and Schumm). Soldiers can return home t o problems concerning money, children, spouses, or other relatives. In addition to stress, soldiers and families also get anxious. Bell and Schumm also mention that, â€Å"Unpredictable timing canShow MoreRelatedIs Us Military Becoming Outdated763 Words   |  4 PagesIn a 2015 article, â€Å"Is U.S. military becoming outdated?† written by Stuart Bradin, Keenan Yoho, and Meaghan Keeler-Pettigrew, the authors argued that despite the U.S. military maintaining a position of global dominance â€Å"without peer† during conventional operations, it is not the ideal force against current and future threats. 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With respect to spending in the military, it is vital to note that ‘eternal vigilance is the only thing that keeps us safe’ (Debate.Org). Moreover, every country has enemies, and thus it must protect its territories. Complacency in this matter should not be encouraged. Therefore, the notion that increasing military expendi ture is dangerous and a senseless undertaking is unfounded. The United States (U.S) has numerous enemiesRead MoreThe Us Military Is The Most Powerful Organized Military1417 Words   |  6 PagesThe US military is the most powerful organized military for any country in the world. There are currently 1.4 million active duty military personnel and they are paid for their efforts and duties. These brave men and women are paid because ever since the Vietnam War, the United States of America has had a professional military. This means that the common people are not required to serve. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Quotes from the Book Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart  an important African novel by Chinua Achebe, is  one of the greatest classics of its time. The book involves the clash of cultures and belief systems, as colonization affects the people. Here are a few quotes from Things Fall Apart. Quotes From Things Fall Apart A proud heart can survive general failure because such a failure does not prick its pride. It is more difficult and more bitter when a man fails alone.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 3 But he was not the man to go about telling his neighbors that he was in error. And so people said he had no respect for the gods of the clan. His enemies said that his good fortune had gone to his head.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 4 No matter how prosperous a man was, if he was unable to rule his women and his children (and especially his women) he was not really a man.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 7 When did you become a shivering old woman, Okonkwo asked himself, you, who are known in all the nine villages for your valor in war? How can a man who has killed five men in battle fall to pieces because he has added a boy to their number? Okonkwo, you have become a woman indeed.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 8 After such treatment it would think twice before coming again, unless it was one of the stubborn ones who returned, carrying the stamp of their mutilation--a missing finger or perhaps a dark line where the medicine mans razor had cut them.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 9 Beware Okonkwo! she warned. Beware of exchanging words with Agbala. Does a man speak when a god speaks? Beware!- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 11 It was like beginning life anew without the vigor and enthusiasm of youth, like learning to become left-handed in old age.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 14 We have heard stories about white men who made the powerful guns and the strong drinks and took slaves away across the seas, but no one thought the stories were true.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 15 Living fire begets cold, impotent ash.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 17 The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart.- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 20 Okonkwo stood looking at the dead man. He knew that Umuofia would not go to war. He knew because they had let the other messengers escape. They had broken into tumult instead of action. He discerned fright in that tumult. He heard voices asking: Why did he do it?- Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, Ch. 24

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Selfishness Explored in The Great Gatsby and The Grapes of...

From a young age, our parents teach us to be grateful for what we have. However, as human beings and Americans, we * find it difficult to be content with what we consider â€Å"less.† Much of the American Dream revolves around success, and in general, the more you have, whether it is money, possessions, or relationships, the more successful you are. The American value of achievement often results in selfishness, once described by William E. Gladstone as â€Å"the greatest curse of the human race† (William E. Gladstone quotes, 2010). Collectively, The Great Gatsby and The Grapes of Wrath demonstrate how selfishness breaks society, affecting both the individual as well as those around him, and how selflessness repairs it. Loneliness results from†¦show more content†¦*** His connection with his family is weak, and he has few friends. Nick sums up Gatsby’s lamentable fate with this observation from the funeral, â€Å"The minister glanced several times at his watch, so I took him aside and asked him to wait for half an hour. But it wasn’t any use. Nobody came† (Fitzgerald, 1925). Selfishness rarely results in the outcome we desire and oftentimes leaves us alone with our sorrows and lost hopes. More devastating than just affecting the individual, selfishness breaks up families. In The Grapes of Wrath, Connie and Rose of Sharon, a young and vibrant couple, have high hopes for their future together. While * nothing is wrong with having dreams, the couple refuses to acknowledge the reality of their family’s dire situation. Throughout their journey to California, Connie and Rose of Sharon selfishly fantasize about what their life will be like, and they naà ¯vely believe * their lives will turn around very soon. Connie confidently remarks that he is going to study and start making $3 a day, and Rose of Sharon is steadfast that * she will give birth in a nice cozy house. Even Pa says that Connie is â€Å"all the time a-sayin’ what he’s a-gonna do. Never doin’ nothin’† (Steinbeck, 1967). In the meantime, Ma struggles to feed the family and get them all safely to California in hopes of finding work that will even pay a few pennies. Besides this, Connie seems to feel no obligation towards his pregnant

The Humboldt Current Nineteenth Century Exploration And...

Both in the books, The Humboldt Current: Nineteenth-Century Exploration and the Roots of American Environmentalism and On a Farther Shore the Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson, the authors are trying to prove that the individuals whom they wrote about deserve a place in the ongoing narrative of Environmentalism. Alexander Von Humboldt and Rachel Carson showed how their subjects were led to a life of environmentalism by their passion. Whether it was from a love of the water or a love to explore, both of these individuals were led down a road of environmentalism. Although their accomplishments are completely different, it does not mean that one is more significant than the other. The fact that they had different results can easily be explained by the different times in which these two individuals were alive and active. Humboldt’s journey did not begin until 1799, which was 108 years before Carson was even born. They had different passions, which led to different results, but in t he end, they were both incredibly significant. Aaron Sachs (author of The Humboldt Current) does a great job of describing the incredibly interesting journeys that Humboldt had. From his trip to Venezuela to the United States, and everything in between, Sachs painted a picture of an explorer on a mission to study new land, to discover new things, and to develop ideas about these new areas and pass those ideas on to the rest of the world. Humboldt was more than an explorer, he was truly a scientist.

Accountability on the Report of Performance in the Presentation

Question: Write accountability report on performance in the presentation? Answer: I would like to write this letter about the feedback of LIGHT the team has earned from the members during performance of the presentation on the date 25th November. A lot of issues have been recognized that shows the lack of motivation of the team members, but the prime issue that I have identified is: poor performance of the team. Being a leader of the team firstly I would like to identify the issues that cause this problem and also I would like to highlight the relevant theories. Secondly I would like to highlight the actions to taken to solve those issues. Thirdly I will go for the justification of the action that has been adopted to solve the problem. The further step that I would like to do is discuss the expected results and in the final stage I will show the importance of the action on how this action became helpful in order to solve the problem. Teamwork can be defined as a work in which the individual works in coordination with each other in order to achieve the common goal (Gaynor, 2015). Likewise, the members of a light team had same focus during formation of the group. The goal of our team was to work in coordination with each other in a helping manner so that the team can give a very nice presentation in order to achieve good grades after the presentation. With the continuation of the preparation, it has been seen that some of our team members have lost their focus on the presentation (Hawkes, 2015). They became unwilling to cooperate with each other. The prime causes that have been identified for the poor performance of the team were: Attitude and Behaviour: The behaviour and attitude of team members were considered to be the main reason for the poor performance of the team members. The goal and objective of the team were unclear (Holten and Brenner, 2015). So the team members got confused about their roles in the team. Some of the team members had seemed to be hesitant and unwilling towards the work in the early stages of the preparation. There was a lack of common goals, working plan, and a good leader at this point of time. This kind of issues can be seen in the forming stage of Trackmans theory. According to Trackman, during formation of the team there are so many types of confusion about the objective, identification as a team member, and team leader. As a team leader, I was scared in this stage about the lack of certainty in the goals and objective of the team. Being a team leader, I was unable to identify the problem, developing an alternate solution to the problem, evaluating the alternative solutions and finally selecting the most suitable solution (Liu, 2015). I was also stressed about the confusion of roles and task assignment of the team. Because of non-cooperation among the team members there was a lack of motivation which prevents the team members to attend any scheduled meeting. It was not possible to clarify any task. I could not encourage the team members to be involved in the preparation of the presentation. I was leading the team according to laissez-faire style where the team got the freedom to work because my effort was not enough for making a success of the presentation (Kabalo, 2015). The leadership style chosen by me was considered to be low productivity by the researchers. It is like a challenge for the team leader to effectively manage the team to perform according to the best of their ability. From the poor performance of the team, I have learned some new strategy to manage the team effectively. This strategy will help me to guide the team perfectly, and it will also help me in the elimination of bad behaviour in future projects. For managing a team, perfectly Belbin has suggested some strategy. He suggested that by understanding the individual role in a team, one team member can increase his strength to make best if his effort. When all the team members of a same team are assigned with the same task, it creates a lack of motivation to achieve that task (Lekka, 2015). They feel low self-esteemed which reduces productivity. But when the team members of a team are assigned different task it will increase the self- esteem of any team member. The team member will feel valued and respected, in this case, and this will in turn increase the productivity of the team (jibhhk and Wank, 2015). This strategy also helps to manage weakness of a team member. It helps a team member to contribute more towards achieving the common goal. This strategy has been proposed in the team so that this can be applied during the formation of the team. I will not avoid the warning of the management. I have observed that there is a lack of motivation among the team members because their roles were not clear. Being a team leader I have learned that there is a great need to assign a specific task to each and every member of the team before forming a team. Bad behaviour of the team could destroy the performance of a team and may cause low self-esteem of the members of the team. Assigning specific and unique task will help to develop the self-esteem of the members. The leadership style that had adopted was not considered to a perfect style to manage the team. I was bound to adopt that style because of my inability to manage the team. But the laisse- fairy type of leadership was not perfect for the team. Being democratic was not a good option for the team (Kabalo, 2015). The autocratic style of leadership would be beneficial for this team. Democratic Style would be beneficial for the team if the members are experienced, and having full of knowledge about the task (Liu, 2015). This presentation had to finish in a short time frame. So in this case autocratic style of leadership would be beneficial to complete the presentation within the defined time frame and to get maximum profit from it. For this, I will dictate policies and procedures to the team members. I will also direct and control the Task of the team members. One of the major reasons that result in the inability of our team to work together in achieving the goal was the conflicts among the team member. Conflict arose due to many reasons. Unequal division of work among the team members may cause conflicts among the team members. Some of the team members of our team were seemed to be as on- cooperative, and unwilling to perform their task efficiently (Lockhart, 2015). This also results in conflict among the members, and poor performance of the team. According to Trackman, this kind of problem can see in the storming stage of team building. In the storming stage, there is a great confliction among the team members about roles, leadership, and task. The team members in this stage are concerned about whether they are valued by the organization or not. As a leader of the team, I should organize the work efficiently and assign it to the team members. I would ensure that the members of the team have got a scope to know each other. For the best pe rformance of the team, the members should not see each other as a competitor. It is a common belief that when people work together it inevitably creates conflict among the team members. As a team leader, I was unable to solve the confliction among the team members. I found a very useful model at Monmouth, which helps me to suggest the strategy in order to solve the confliction among the team members. The focus of this model was to train the team members that have a positive result. The training helps to identify the cases of the conflict and the measures to be taken to solve the problem. I will take some corrective measure at the start of the preparation on how the team members will behave in the team and will also decide which type of behaviour will not be permitted in the team. The team will also develop some agreed rules (Smith, 2015). This will help me to resolve the conflict of the team. I would also suggest the team members to behave in the agreed way to avoid conflicts. The training should suggest the team members give value and respect to each other. They member would understand the feeling and behaviour of others. The team members of the team will learn by the training about the perception of each other on the action and behaviour taken by them. As a team leader of the team, I would assess the team members in a perfect manner (Tubin and Pinyan-Weiss, 2014). I will make the member feel valued and aware of the task. When the team members become self-aware of themselves, it will motivate them to work towards the achieving the common goal of the team. I believe that by identifying the causes of the problem and accordingly taking action and implementing them will help me in future to guide the team to work in the productive way. Reference List Gaynor, G. (2015). Building an innovation team.IEEE Engineering Management Review, 43(2), pp.7-9. Hawkes, N. (2015). Clinical leadership team of the year.BMJ, 350(apr08 7), pp.h1888-h1888. Holten, A. and Brenner, S. (2015). Leadership style and the process of organizational change.Leadership Org Development J, 36(1), pp.2-16. Kabalo, P. (2015). David Ben-Gurion's leadership as a "two-way interaction process".Leadership. Lekka, N. (2015). Acute Inpatient Mental Health Services: Building Foundations for Team Effectiveness.European Psychiatry, 30, p.1022. Liu, H. (2015). Reimagining ethical leadership as a relational, contextual and political practice.Leadership. Lockhart, L. (2015). The art of team building.Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 13(3), pp.51-52. Smith, C. (2015). Exemplary leadership.Nursing Management (Springhouse), 46(3), pp.47-51. Special Issue of Leadership Gender and Leadership Editors: Claire Leitch and Valerie Stead. (2015).Leadership, 11(1), pp.126-127. Tubin, D. and Pinyan-Weiss, M. (2014). Distributing positive leadership: The case of team counseling.Educational Management Administration Leadership, 43(4), pp.507-525. Winans, M. (2015). Leading With Grace: Building an Accountable Team.Nurse Leader, 13(3), pp.35-38. Zacher, H. and Rosing, K. (2015). Ambidextrous leadership and team innovation.Leadership Org Development J, 36(1), pp.54-68. , Ã… ¾. and , . (2015). Division model of team-building alternatives for IT-companies.TAPR, 3(5(23), p.11

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

New Look For New Fashion Example For Students

New Look For New Fashion New Look is a British fashion retailer that started operating in 1969. The retailer opened its first fashion store in Taunton, the UK. Since then, the retailer has continued growing, opening up new stores in the country as well elsewhere in the world. It currently operated 578 stores in the UK and over 270 elsewhere. Furthermore, the retailer has a successful online store, providing consumers the best the fashion world has on offer. Get Inspired If you like to follow the trends and know exactly what’s hot before purchasing your fashion items, follow the Trend section online. From there, you can find the latest look guides to both men and women, as well as read about fashion news. International Reach The New Look platform can also be accessed and used in Germany and France. This allows the customer view the platform in French or German, and make the payments in euro. The UK site also delivers to Northern Ireland. Customer Support If you encounter a problem during your shopping experience, there are plenty of customer support tools to help you out. The Help section has plenty of options from recently asked questions to guides, making it easy to find an answer to your question. The section also includes size guides and tips on how to keep your cloths looking fresh. If you can’t find an answer online, contact the customer service. ********************************************************************************* Retailer is Into The product selection on the New Look platform is impressive. If you are looking for fashion items, then you can find all the below categories on the site: 1. Women’s Fashion a. Including jeans, shirts, blouses, underwear, and skirts b. Including maternity wear, plus sizes, and petite collections 2. Men’s Fashion a. Including shirts, blazers, suits, underwear, and jeans 3. Teen Fashion a. Including clothing for boys and girls, such as shorts, t-shirts, jackets and jeans 4. Footwear a. Including shoes for men, women and teens 5. Fashion Accessories a. Including bags, belts, sunglasses, scarfs, and hats 6. Beauty Products a. Including makeup and fragrance 7. Home ware a. Including candles, frames, mugs, cushions and lighting b. Including office and school stationery Shopping Guide Before you start adding products to your shopping category, remember to check out the Size Guide. It provides you tips on measuring yourself and ensuring you find the right sized clothing. When you are browsing the items, there are different ways to limit your options. You can refine your search based on size, colour, and price. Delivery Policy New Look offers a number of delivery options for your online shopping. You can choose from: †¢ Next Day UK, delivery time next day between 8am and 8pm, cost  £5.99 or free on orders above  £75 †¢ Next Day Evening, delivery the next day between 6pm and 10pm, cost  £7.99 or free on orders above  £75 †¢ Nominated Day UK, delivery on your chosen day between 8am and 8pm, cost  £5.99 or free on orders above  £75 †¢ Nominated Evening, delivery on your chosen day between 6pm and 10pm, cost  £7.99 or free on orders above  £75 †¢ Sunday Delivery, delivery on a Sunday between 9am and 5pm, cost  £5.99 or free on orders above  £75 †¢ Standard Delivery, delivery time 2 to 4 working days, cost  £3.99 or free on orders above  £45 You can also choose from different Click Collect options, which allow you to pick up the order from your closest New Look or other participating store. All the deliveries are trackable. Refunds and Returns If you are unhappy with your order, you can return it for free in all New Look stores. You can also post the goods, but you might not always receive a full refund on the cost of return. The items must be returned or exchanged within 14 days of receiving the goods. Please note that products such as cosmetics, underwear, swimwear, piercings, hair products, fragrances and food cannot be returned. If you received a faulty item, then do contact the customer service immediately. ********************************************************************************* Featured Brands The New Look websites is full of stunning brands, as well as the retailers own product lines. Some of the exciting brands available on the platform include: †¢ Cameo Rose †¢ JDY †¢ AX Paris †¢ Apricot †¢ Anita Green ********************************************************************************* Can’t Miss the Exclusive Offers Fashion definitely doesn’t have to break your budget and the New Look platform is a living proof of that. The retailer is constantly running campaigns that make shopping just a bit cheaper. For example, you can currently enjoy from these stunning offers: †¢ 25% off all sportswear †¢ 25% off all women’s jeans †¢ Men’s grey double button blazer for  £20, previously  £59.99 Check out special offers If you’d like to find out more deals like the above, the New Look Sale section is the place to be. It has hundreds of offers on all of the product categories. The section will also be the place to find out markdowns and seasonal offers. Most offers are long-term, but check the site regularly to ensure you don’t miss out on a deal of a lifetime. ********************************************************************************* How to save using vouchers If you have a voucher code to use on the online shop, taking advantage of the savings is easy. Once you’ve selected all your items, you can click the shopping bag icon. On the first page, you’ll see a detailed list of your products and below them a number field, which states, â€Å"Enter a Promo Code or Student ID†. Enter your voucher code and click ‘Apply’. The shopping bag should automatically update to reflect your new total. ********************************************************************************* YouTube Video If you want to get an inside look in the world of fashion, then check out the New Look YouTube channel. You can find guides to the latest fashion trends, get an inside peek into the new arrivals, and watch tutorials for creating stunning looks. The below video, for example, gives tips on how to wear shorts and look cool. .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c , .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .postImageUrl , .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c , .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c:hover , .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c:visited , .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c:active { border:0!important; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c:active , .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u518c2a4db9ff3e7e48a36ed5f5f48f2c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Global Warming Fact Or Fake? Further Links Another great way to keep up with the trends is by following the fashion retailer on social media. The platforms will reveal the newest trends, help you participate in competitions and stay trendy. Find New Look at: Facebook YouTube Twitter Pinterest Instagram Google+ You should also sign up with the newsletter. By signing up, you guarantee you are the first to know about exclusive deals, competitions and new product arrivals. ********************************************************************************* Gift Cards Are you looking for the perfect gift for a fashion lover? Check out the New Look gift card, which can be used online or in-store. The gift cards are unfortunately not available to purchase online, but do check the stores for more details. Club Card You can save even more if you apply for the New Look Store Card. You can sign up with the card online or in-store. Once you receive the card, you will receive 20% off your next purchase and up to  £200 instant credit to spend with the retailer. You’ll also gain access to special treats and events.